9 Benefits of a Book Club And Why You Should Join One!

Wondering what are the benefits of a book club? Trying to decide if you should join one? Here are 9
benefits and reasons you should join a book club in your area or online now!
1. Creates Reading Accountability
One of the biggest benefits of book clubs, particularly for those trying to get back into reading, is that
book clubs help keep you accountable to actually reading!
By joining a book club, you’re committing to read the book of the month (or week, etc.). And if you don’t
read the book, you know you’ll be disappointing your fellow book club members. So joining a book club
can be a great way to force yourself to read if you need a little external motivation to do so!
2. Helps You Engage Deeper With the Book
Another benefit of joining a book club is that it can help you engage deeper with the book. If you’re the
type of person who reads quickly, then you may find that knowing you’ll be discussing the book with
others helps you slow down and actually digest what you’re reading. Plus, book club discussion with
others may help you see new details you missed in your own reading!
3. Encourages Critical Thinking
Joining a book club can also be a great way to encourage critical thinking in yourself and in your fellow
book club members. By working through and discussing the book together, you can help each other to see
all aspects of a topic and consider each one carefully.
4. Keeps Your Brain Sharp
Reading in general helps with overall brain function and increasing memory, but add in discussion time
with your book club and your brain will be compelled to keep up and keep sharp! If you don’t have many
other avenues to fully engage your brain, then book club can be a great way to keep everything working
5. Gives You New Perspectives
Another of the top benefits of book club is to help give you new perspectives! The other members in your
book club may come from backgrounds that are different from yours, which may mean they bring vastly
different perspectives to your discussions. This can help you learn new things and see things from new
angles you might never have considered!
Of course, differing perspectives can lead to disagreements and even arguments…which is why it’s
important to always be kind and considerate of each other in book club (that’s one of the most
important rules for book club!).
6. Helps You Make New Friends
Yet another fantastic benefit of book club is that it can help you make new friends! If you’re looking to
meet others in your area (or online) who share similar interests to you, then joining a book club can be a
great way to do that. For book lovers, there are few things that forge a bond as instantly as meeting
someone else who loves books…so get ready to make some new friends!
8. Fosters a Continuing Love of Literature
While reading is sometimes it’s own reward, joining a community of literature lovers can help foster a
continuing love of literature in yourself and in your community. By meeting with others and sharing the
love of literature, you’ll help keep your own love of reading strong and encourage each other to continue
reading and loving literature!
9. Gives You a Break From Life
Life can be difficult. But book club can be a great escape when you need it! Whether your book club
meets weekly, monthly, or any other frequency, knowing you have a book club meeting coming up can be
a great way to help you make it through your daily tasks and can be something to look forward to!
When you meet with fellow book lovers, the stress and cares of your day-to-day life will melt away as
you fall into the world of the book you’re reading and discussing!

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